Leading Cause of Dog Bites – Owner Denial!
Dogs are dogs. They will always act as dogs, whether they are living in our home, or out in the wild. We must respect them for the animals that they are and the inherent danger they pose.
Dogs are dogs. They will always act as dogs, whether they are living in our home, or out in the wild. We must respect them for the animals that they are and the inherent danger they pose.
When we give our dog too much freedom – the freedom to patrol the entire yard or property while we are gone, the freedom to hike off leash without voice control, the freedom to roam about the house and explore with no restrictions, the freedom to sniff, pull, and investigate at will on our walks…we are sending a potentially dangerous message!
Some people just don’t enjoy fish, and some dogs just don’t enjoy other dogs. So why do we keep trying to force them?
Selective breeding has changed the “wrapping”, but not the contents. Domesticated dogs – be they toy or giant, sporting or non-sporting, long-haired or short – are still at their core, DOGS,
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