Psychic Dog Training: My Secret “Don’t-even-think-about-it” Technique
Well, maybe I’m not exactly psychic, but dogs think I am! By paying attention to their body language I can tell what they’re about to do before they do it.
Well, maybe I’m not exactly psychic, but dogs think I am! By paying attention to their body language I can tell what they’re about to do before they do it.
The Leadership Walk – or as many call it, the “Wonder Walk” – addresses the underlying cause of most dog behavior issues: confusion over who make the rules and who’s running the show.
No matter how you ensure the safety of your dog while you’re at work, chances are you may worry that your dog becomes bored while you’re gone. A bored dog may start digging in the yard, howling and barking uncontrollably,
With a long line attached to your dog via his collar, you can teach your dog to respect virtually any boundary – whether it is the edge of the lawn, the threshold of your front door, or the doorway of the room
Just the other day, a friend relayed a touching rescue dog story to me. She had been traveling in a popular tourist town and met a shop owner with a new rescue dog. The dog, it turned out, had belonged to a homeless man living on the streets in her well-known city.
Camilla Gray-Nelson: “74% of the time [in most households / families], the woman is in control of the dog. Many times, however, they have a hard time controlling the dog and there are some natural reasons for that. That’s where I step in and try to empower women and try to channel their inner dog trainer and their inner leader…”
I didn’t have any friends with two legs until I was in junior high. But, the advantage of that looking back now, because everything I do in the dog world in training, is based on how animals communicate naturally with each other. And if I didn’t have that background, I wouldn’t know that language.
When we give our dog too much freedom – the freedom to patrol the entire yard or property while we are gone, the freedom to hike off leash without voice control, the freedom to roam about the house and explore with no restrictions, the freedom to sniff, pull, and investigate at will on our walks…we are sending a potentially dangerous message!
In my preceding post, I explained how to stop your dog from jumping on you. Now, I’ll give you my favorite tip for solving another jumping problem: Your dog jumping on guests.
There are any number of techniques to curtail a jumping dog – from simply turning your back and ignoring the dog, to physically “kneeing” the dog in the chest as it jumps…. I prefer a more natural approach, and the way dogs themselves tell other dogs to keep their paws to themselves: I “bark”.
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