Private Concierge Sessions & Family Consults

Private Concierge Sessions & Family Consults 1

Train with Director of Training, Camilla Gray-Nelson

If you need help and insight into more complex behavioral issues, I’m your best source for answers.

Hi. I’m Camilla Gray-Nelson, the founder of Dairydell Canine in Petaluma, CA and Dairydell’s popular, nature-based Dream Dog™ training program.

Maybe you’re not thinking about putting your dog into training with us at this point, but you ARE interested in solving an annoying or dangerous issue with your dog and need some quick advice and help.

Over the last 50 years, there’s not much I haven’t seen or experienced when it comes to training dogs.

For everyday problems like pulling on the leash, jumping, not coming when called or starting new puppies, my Dairydell trainers are more than capable to help you. You can request a consult hour with one of them in the section below.

BUT, if you need help and insight into more complex behavioral issues like barking at strangers, guarding territory, reactivity on the leash, or other worrisome behavioral matters, I’m your best source for answers.

Over the last 50 years, there’s not much I haven’t seen or experienced when it comes to dogs. I’ve bred dogs, won multiple obedience titles, written award -winning training books, but more importantly, growing up on a farm, I’ve developed the kind of deep understanding of animal behavior that comes only from a life lived with them.

If you book an hour with me, you’ll get more than your money’s worth. You’ll leave with a lifetime of information – and the tools for quickly changing your life with your dog for the better.

  • Barking at strangers or visitors
  • Guarding territory or possessions
  • Reactivity on leash
  • Anxiety
  • Any other complex or worrisome behavior issues

dairydell staff trainer with dog and client

Train Privately with Our Experienced Dairydell Staff Trainers

Dairydell staff trainers can provide targeted tips on quickly managing unwanted behaviors in the home or with children.

Dairydell staff trainers can provide practical tips for women (and men) on stopping common household behaviors like pulling, jumping, barking, digging, counter-surfing and more. Owners learn quiet control to change their dog’s behavior (no yelling or bravado).

In Person

  • Additional 3-Session Package – $375. ($125. ea)
  • Additional 6-Session Package – $750. ($125. ea)

Zoom Sessions

Supervised Public Walks for Graduates

Private Concierge Sessions & Family Consults 2

You’ve been to boarding school at Dairydell and were shown how to improve your dog’s leash manners when out in public. But you’re still nervous about actually trying it on your own. Or, you’re so nervous when you do venture out that all your lessons go out the window, and you can’t stop your dog’s embarrassing leash reactivity.

Never fear! Beginning in February, one of our senior trainers will supervise at least two supervised walks a month around Petaluma public places and help you achieve in public, the same leash manners and success you and your dog experienced in your Dairydell classes.

Limited to 4 Dogs per Session: $30 per hour.

Monthly Maintenance Classes

For Board & Train Grads & Their Dogs

To better serve our Dream Dog™ Board & Train graduates, our monthly maintenance classes have had a Total Makeover! Now each month will have its own theme, and each class within that month will be geared for either on-leash OR off-leash grads and include Holiday preparedness exercises when appropriate. We will even be including special HOLIDAY training exercises for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and 4th of July!

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