HOW TO CURE JUMPING UP Part II: Your Dog Jumping on Guests

"In my preceding post, I explained how to stop your dog from jumping on you. Now, I’ll give you my favorite tip for solving another jumping problem: Your dog jumping on guests."

In my preceding post, I explained how to stop your dog from jumping on you.  Now, I’ll give you my favorite tip for solving another jumping problem:  Your dog jumping on guests.

To prevent this embarrassing situation, my favorite “cure” is teaching the dog to go to a special bed or mat, whenever the doorbell rings, and stay there until his owner gives him permission to leave. Think Pavlov.

1. Start by placing a nice dog bed or mat about 10 feet from your front door. Pick a spot next to something that can serve as an “anchor” for a leash, which you will attach there as your “back-up.”

2. Elicit the help of your family or friends. Have them ring your doorbell, and before you open the door, take your dog to his bed, give him a tasty treat, and attach the waiting leash to his collar.

3. Tell him to STAY in his bed, while you answer the door. If he gets up, the leash will prevent him from reaching and jumping on your “guest,” enabling you to quickly put him back on his bed.

4. Before you leave him a second time, SNAP his leash, and softly repeat the STAY on your bed command.  Sometimes this correction works with a flat collar, sometimes a more formal training collar is needed. In any case, you are making it clear that your dog’s only and best option is to remain on his bed while company enters. Do this many times and praise him softly for his compliance.

5. Require that he stay on his bed until the excitement of your guest’s arrival has calmed. By then, the dog will be calmer, too, and far less likely to jump. Allow him off his bed and supervise his greetings. Keep a leash on your dog if necessary.  Softly and calmly praise his good manners.

Soon, through these repetitions and the help of your friends, your dog will have learned a new habit (conditioned response) and a new, more acceptable way of greeting your guests when they enter your home. Then you will be ready for real guests and unexpected arrivals.  Now, you’re ready for the Holidays!


Click Here to See Part I of “How to Cure Jumping Up”

Picture of Camilla Gray-Nelson

Camilla Gray-Nelson

Camilla has over 50 years experience with animals (she grew up on the farm!). She has trained, bred and shown dogs since 1989 and brings this broad background and knowledge of dog behavior to her clients and her business. Her life-long understanding of the animal mind helped her develop what has become her signature style of natural dog training and voice control, now simply referred to as the “Dairydell Method”. Camilla and her Dairydell Method have been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, as well as on San Francisco TV’s Evening Magazine and View From the Bay. Camilla loves teaching – whether it’s dogs, their owners, or the horses you see her riding in Dairydell’s beautiful arena. When she’s not training, teaching or riding, Camilla is writing about her favorite subject: dogs and their people! Camilla holds professional memberships in both the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI) and the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP).
Picture of Camilla Gray Nelson

Camilla Gray Nelson

Camilla has over 50 years experience with animals (she grew up on the farm!). She has trained, bred and shown dogs since 1989 and brings this broad background and knowledge of dog behavior to her clients and her business. Her life-long understanding of the animal mind helped her develop what has become her signature style of natural dog training and voice control, now simply referred to as the “Dairydell Method”.

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3 thoughts on “HOW TO CURE JUMPING UP Part II: Your Dog Jumping on Guests”

    • Noelle:

      You can start training this behavior at ANY age. Go for it!

      If you are in my area, I am also holding a 2-hour Holiday manners demonstration at Dairydell in Petaluma on Sunday 12/12, from 1-3pm. this is one of the behaviors I will be demonstrating. You are invited to come observe!


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