Client Registration Form

Canine Influenza Vaccine (CIV) Now Required

If you are an existing client, there is no need to re-register.

If you are a new client, please complete the Client Registration Form Below.

First Time Boarding and Training Assessments

Before first-time boarding or board-and-train: a prepaid full day assessment must be scheduled for your dog, to be sure he or she is comfortable and compatible here at Dairydell. This is required before you are able to book any future live-in services. Assessments require extra staffing hours to ensure that your fur-baby is a comfortable match at our facility. The fee for assessment is $30 (paid at the time of booking) and is non-refundable if canceled or a “No Show”, etc. We have two styles of boarding. See below for further details on the two styles of accommodations.

NOTE: Any dogs that have shown any kind of human aggression or objection to handling are not compatible with our services. Contact our office 707-762-6111 to see if we can help you in a different way.

You are not able to make or confirm any dates for Boarding/Board & Train until this assessment is complete and your dog is comfortable in one of our boarding accommodations. Once you complete the registration form below, check your email for next steps.

Client Registration Form 1
Client Registration Form 2


Boarding environments are not like home. Just like at a dog park, your pet’s risk for being exposed to transmissible diseases are higher when they are in well populated areas of other canines. To keep all animals safe/healthy and to provide the best care possible we require the following vaccines be up to date for all canine guests:

  • Rabies
  • Canine Influenza (If this is your first time getting this vaccine – Please PLAN AHEAD! This vaccine takes 2 appointments between 2-4 weeks apart before they are up to date)
  • DHPP
  • Bordetella.

Please note that Dairydell does not accept titers in lieu of vaccinations.

NOTE: These vaccinations DO NOT protect your dog from all colds or illnesses. Please read our “About Boarding: The Downside of a Good Time.”

We recommend Leptospirosis vaccine as we are a country facility.

Canine Influenza Vaccine (CIV) Now Required



  • I'm Currently Interested in the Following Services

    Select as many as apply and tell us more in the box below

    People-Friendly Canines Only. Friendly Bully Breeds Welcome in Special Needs Suites.
  • Dog #1 Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Dog #2 Information

    One Dog Only? Scroll to the end for "About Boarding", Cancellation Policies, Releases and Signatures
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Dog #3 Information

    Two Dogs Only? Scroll to the end for "About Boarding", Cancellation Policies, Releases and Signatures
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • ABOUT BOARDING: The Downside of a Good Time

  • Please Read This Important Information About The Risks That Can Come With Boarding

    Your dog will have a blast at Dairydell – meeting new friends, experiencing new things, and learning all kinds of new stuff if he’s in training. All that fun and excitement, however, can come with a few downside risks which, by signing our releases, you agree to fully assume - including any and all medical expenses during or related to your dog's stay at Dairydell. Though injury and illness are rare, they are unavoidable risks in even the best of boarding environments.

    We Recommend Pet Insurance
    By placing your dog with us, you are accepting these and other risks as well as the financial responsibility for any emergency medical treatment that might become necessary during your dog’s stay. Emergencies are rare, but we highly recommend that you carry pet insurance, just in case.

  • If you do not have pet insurance, here are a couple of highly rated companies you can contact:

    SPOT Pet Insurance

    LEMONADE Pet Insurance

  • Your dog may experience one or more of the following:

    Tiredness: With everything so new and exciting, your dog won’t sleep as much as he does at home – especially during the day. By the time he comes home, your pooch might be pooped – sleepy and lazy for several days while he catches up on his zzzz’s. Do not be alarmed. After several days, his energy should be back to normal.

    Bumps, Bruises and Boo Boo’s: It’s a play yard out there, and dog play is a contact sport! Most dogs spend their days at Dairydell running, jumping and wrestling and – like on a school play yard – stuff can happen. Even under supervision and the best of circumstances, injuries can occur. Most will be minor, but occasionally some will be more significant – even requiring veterinary attention. Running in our huge, sand arenas can also dry and crack pads. In other words, bumps, nicks and boo-boos are not uncommon in an active boarding environment, but most are proof that your dog had a really great time!

    Eye Irritation: When city dogs come to stay with us, sometimes our farm air makes their eyes water! Our grasses, cows, horses, sheep and dust from dog-play on the sand – all contribute to occasional eye allergies. If you notice white-ish discharge in your dog’s eyes after coming home, just give us a call. We’ll tell you how to clear your pup up pronto!

    Life-Threatening Bloat or Torsion: The causes of life-threatening bloat (stomach filling with air) or torsion (twisted stomach) are not clearly understood, and they can happen anytime, anywhere – at home or away. Careful monitoring during playtime is the best way to intercept and address these rare but serious conditions. Your dog will be overseen by our staff between 7am and 9pm, but please note that dogs are not monitored overnight.

    GI Upset: Changes in environment, routine, diet, etc. can all cause an upset stomach in your dog, (IE: loose stool). GI upset does not go unnoticed here -- we monitor it carefully and address it quickly. If it happens, we administer Pepcid as a supplement, and adjust your dog's daily meals to aid in re-setting their system. When your dog returns home, you could also see loose stools, because of another change in their routine, environment and diet. Call us if this is the case and we will advise the easiest way to resolve.

    Viruses: COLDS HAPPEN. Like kids at a preschool, dogs share everything while boarding – including colds and assorted viruses. Luckily, there are vaccinations to help protect against the worst kinds of cold-causing bacteria, but your vaccines will NOT protect against the many viruses that also cause sniffles and coughs. For older dogs as well as the very young or those with other health conditions, risks from upper respiratory disease can be greater. At Dairydell, we require that ALL dogs staying with us be current in both bordetella and parainfluenza vaccinations, so that we can maintain the highest protection level and the lowest possible odds of a bordetella or parainfluenza incident. Most other dog colds and even some skin conditions, however, are caused by viruses with no known vaccines to prevent them. Our best preventive at Dairydell is keeping dogs clean, warm, rested and well-fed. If your dog does come down with a cold or skin condition, either while here or after coming home, odds are it’s minor and will quickly pass. If your dog is old, young or otherwise compromised, however, vet attention may be advised.





    ALL BOARDING RESERVATIONS REQUIRE A DEPOSIT. This deposit will be credited to your boarding invoice at check-out, but is non-refundable once processed (to cover administrative costs and our rebooking efforts) .

    Non-Holiday Boarding Deposit: $20

    Holiday Boarding Deposits (2 night min. stay)

    Board & Train

    Board and Train reservations are secured with a 50% deposit training fee. $100/week is non-refundable (to cover administrative costs and our rebooking efforts).


    All class reservations are prepaid, and $20 is non-refundable (to cover administrative costs).


    Boarding Cancellations

    Boarding deposits are non-refundable

    Board and Train Cancellations

    2-week cancellation is required for refunds (less $100/week non-refundable.)

    Training cancellation LESS than 2 weeks prior to start of scheduled training, forfeits entire deposit UNLESS Dairydell is able to refill that training spot, LESS the $100 per week rebooking fees. . Cancellations made more than 2 weeks prior are refunded, LESS the non-refundable $100/week.

    Class Cancellations

    2-week cancellation is required for refunds (less $20 non-refundable.)

    NO REFUNDS for cancellations less than 2 weeks prior to class beginning, and NO CREDITS for missed classes, once the class has started.

    "Before or After Hours" Arrivals and Departures

    We have a strict "Before or After Hours" Arrival/Departure Policy. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

    Our regular office hours are 9-12 Weekdays (Afternoons by appointment), 9-12 on Saturdays, and Sundays 9-12 by appointment only. ONLY if client requests and Dairydell agrees, can the office open early or stay late (up to 30 minutes) to accommodate. Though we are happy to do this, we must charge $3 per minute to cover additional staff time for related waiting and/or processing paperwork.

    I have read and understand the Deposit, Cancellation and "Before and After Hours" policies stated above. I also have read and understand the various RISKS of boarding.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY


  • I authorize Dairydell to treat minor conditions such as eye irritations, dirty ears, cuts, bumps and bruises. I further authorize Dairydell to obtain veterinary treatment for my dog and bill my account in the event of more serious issues, or in the event of a medical emergency.

    If I cannot be reached, either directly or through my emergency contact, I authorize medical expenses:


  • General Release of Liability

  • I, the legal owner of this dog, or its handler, understand that in consideration for participating in the training and activities authorized by this contract, that I am releasing, waiving, discharging and covenanting not to sue Dairydell, Inc., (hereafter referred to as Dairydell), its officers, owners, promoters, trainers, employees, sponsors, clients and each of them, for losses or damages and any claim of damage of any kind on account of sickness, death, loss or and/or injury to my dog or any other dog or person, as a result of negligence or otherwise, while the dog is on Dairydell's premise, or after it leaves Dairydell.
  • Informed Consent of Financial Responsibility for Illness or Accidents

  • By agreeing to leave my dog with Dairydell I am accepting all health risks and risks of injury as well as all financial responsibility for veterinary treatment that might result from them.
  • Acknowledgement that Human Aggression of Any Type Means My Dog is Eligible for Private Consults Only; No In-House Boarding or Group Classes

  • Dairydell accepts NO dogs on-house that have shown aggression toward humans - even towards vets nor can they be enrolled in group classes. They may, however, be eligible for private instruction.

    If I have withheld information from Dairydell regarding any aggressive behavior or tendencies in my dog, and my dog causes injury or loss to another dog or person, I will defend and indemnify Dairydell, Inc. from any resulting claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees. I understand and expressly agree that this release, waiver and agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of California and that I have carefully read this release and know the content of the release and sign this release as an act of my own free will, and that the terms of this release are contractual in nature and are not just a recital.

  • Acceptance of Risks Around Animals and Agreement Not to Bring Children Under 12

  • If I am the handler of the dog in classes, I also acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in dog training activities with Dairydell, Inc. I am aware that there are inherent risks and hazards involved in activities with and around dogs, and I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of these potential dangers. I am not relying on Dairydell or its staff, volunteers, management or owners, to prevent such occurrences. In order to participate in Dairydell classes, demonstrations or other activities, I am fully informed of such risks and hazards, and agree to assume all risks of such occurrences. I agree not to bring children under 12 to any group class. I hereby waive any and all claims or action that I, or my guardians, representatives, or assigns may have against Dairydell, and agree to release Dairydell from any and all liability for personal injury to myself, my dog, children in my charge, or harm to property caused directly or indirectly by acts that might occur while at Dairydell classes, events, and activities. I further agree to indemnify, defend and hold Dairydell harmless for damage, loss liability or expenses, including legal costs and attorneys’ fees which result from any damage caused by myself, children in my charge, or dog(s) that I own or handle.
  • Dairydell Photo / Text Messaging Release

  • I authorize Dairydell, Inc. to photograph and/or video my dog or me and to use these images in future books, videos, promotional or educational materials, and hereby waive my claim to any compensation for such use.

    I also authorize Dairydell to communicate questions or information regarding my dog via text to me whenever necessary.

  • Children Under 12

  • All our group training classes are designed for adult instruction (including the Owner Classes on Saturdays for board and train clients.) Due to safety restrictions, children under 12 are not permitted at any of our group classes. For those clients with small children wanting additional family training sessions, we are delighted to schedule these separately with one of our experienced trainers.

  • BILLING CREDIT CARD - Visa or Mastercard

  • All training reservations are secured with a 50% deposit of the training fee. Please see our deposit and cancellation policy. Invoices must be paid in full before departure with dog.

    All boarding reservations are secured with a $20 deposit which will be credited to your invoice on check-out, however will be non-refundable for cancellations. Please see our deposit and cancellation policy.

    Dairydell’s training program involves not only professional in-house training, but owner follow-through as well. Results are wholly dependent on Owners following-through as directed and their ongoing commitment to enforcing our new rules at home after the training.

    Please do not click button more than once. There may be a slight processing delay. Please wait for confirmation that your registration has been sent.

    If your registration will not process, call 707-762-6111 to register by phone.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Monthly Maintenance Classes

For Board & Train Grads & Their Dogs

To better serve our Dream Dog™ Board & Train graduates, our monthly maintenance classes have had a Total Makeover! Now each month will have its own theme, and each class within that month will be geared for either on-leash OR off-leash grads and include Holiday preparedness exercises when appropriate. We will even be including special HOLIDAY training exercises for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and 4th of July!

Online Video Account Login


After logging in with this form, you will find your video orders in the My Videos section