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PERSONAL TRAINER from $150 for first hour - By Appointment
If Group Classes or Live-In School are not for you, let one of our professionals be your Personal Trainer at Dairydell.
Customize your own training program with one of our personal trainers, to address your dog’s particular needs – be they basic or advanced obedience, or behavioral issues. These personalized sessions are so effective, you may only need a few!
Training Equipment is custom-chosen for your dog and billed separately from the training fee.
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Personal Training Hidden - First Hour
Private consults with Director Of Training, Camilla Gray-Nelson also available
Email Us at or Call 707 762-6111
DOGGIE & ME - Children's Dog Safety & Harmony Class By Appointment - $175 for first hour
You bought a puppy for your kids and now they’re struggling with how to interact with each other! How do you help kids stop their dog’s troublesome nipping and jumping while still teaching positive interactions? And as s a parent, what is your role in restoring harmony to your household?
Dogs don’t see kids as authority figures, so we first teach parents what they need to do differently. Then children can be taught age-appropriate techniques to help manage dog behavior. Challenges are addressed from both sides.
Get help from a professional familiar with all of it!
Lesley Zoromski, senior dog trainer, is a former elementary school teacher and an expert in early childhood education. She will work with the entire family to teach parents what to do and age-appropriate techniques for kids to reduce the chaos caused by unwanted doggie behaviors. Classes are customized to the needs of each family and their dog’s unique personality.
Ages 4 and up
Photo Courtesy of Amy Selleck
PARENTS ONLY Doggie and Me - PARENTS ONLY - 1-hour session Addresses typical challenges with the family dog chasing, jumping and playful nipping at children in the home. Teaches the role parents must play to stop these common, but frustrating behaviors and regain peace in the home.
PARENTS and CHILDREN-FULL PACKAGE Doggie and Me - PARENTS & KIDS - (2) 1-hour sessions $325 (save $25!) Session 1 - covers the same issues as above, but in more age-appropriate language and activities.
Session 2 - builds on Session 1 , showing older children how to take a more active role and responsibility in caring for and training their dog.
Not sure which option is right for you and your family? Call to request a complimentary phone call with our trainer, Lesley Zoromski. (707) 762-6111.
Private consults with Director Of Training, Camilla Gray-Nelson also available
Email Us at or Call 707 762-6111
ZOOM CONSULT For Dogs with a Bite History
You’re busy. No time to spare. But your dog is driving you crazy. Consider booking a Zoom consult with one of our trainers. Any day/time that is mutually convenient. A trainer will observe your dog and their issues and talk you through ways to more effectively address and solve these issues from the comfort of your home.
Zoom Consult Selection
Register Below - We will contact you for scheduling
CUSTOM HOUSE TRAINING HELP Dairydell now offers in-home housetraining help for dog owners in Petaluma, Cotati, Rohnert Park and Santa Rosa!
One of our professional trainers will meet with you and your dog at your home to personally help you solve your housetraining challenges – where they are happening.
During you 45 to 60 minute session, your trainer will
Listen to the problems your dog is having with housetraining and explain the possible reasons.
Assess the layout of your home and how to customize your training plan around it.
Show you new tools ans how to use them
Outline an easy-to-follow, Daily Housetraining Schedule
Provide written materials and a Record Page to keep track of your dog’s daily progress.
Training Equipment is custom-chosen for your dog and billed separately from the training fee.
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Home Visits - First Hour
Call for Pricing or for Appointment - (707) 762-6111 or email
OWNER INFORMATION Mandatory fields marked with asterisk
Name & Address Name*
Partner Name
Returning Guest? Billing Address*
Phone & Email Contact Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Work Phone
Emergency Contact
Best Phone
Your Email Address*
Tell Us Where You Heard About Us: Please Select Search Online Word of Mouth Returning Customer Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Radio Ad Veterinarian Online Yellow Pages AT&T Yellow Pages Other Trainers Dog Talk Diva Other
If Other, Please Specify How
Pet Information Dog's Name*
Sex* Neutered / Spayed Hospital*
Hospital City / State*
Doctor's Name
Clinic Phone*
Clinic Fax
Approx. Birth Date*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Tell Us More:
VACCINATIONS We require class dogs be current in their Rabies, DHPP and CIV vaccinations. Bordatella vaccination is optional. But no coughing dogs are allowed in class.
CHILDREN UNDER 12 All our group training classes are designed for adult instruction (including the Owner Classes on Saturdays for board and train clients.) Due to safety restrictions, children under 12 are not permitted at any of our group classes. For those clients with small children wanting additional family training sessions, we are delighted to schedule these separately with one of our experienced trainers.
DAIRYDELL Photo / Text Messaging Release I authorize Dairydell, Inc. to photograph and/or video my dog or me and to use these images in future books, videos, promotional or educational materials, and hereby waive my claim to any compensation for such use.
I also authorize Dairydell to communicate questions or information regarding my dog via text to me whenever necessary.
Photo / Text Release Signed-Legal Owner*
Photo / Text Release Sig. Date* DAIRYDELL General Release of Liability I, the legal owner of this dog, or its handler, understand that in consideration for participating in the training and activities authorized by this contract, that I am releasing, waiving, discharging and covenanting not to sue Dairydell, Inc., (hereafter referred to as Dairydell), its officers, owners, promoters, trainers, employees, sponsors, clients and each of them, for losses or damages and any claim of damage of any kind on account of sickness, death, loss or and/or injury to my dog or any other dog or person, as a result of negligence or otherwise, while the dog is on Dairydell's premise, or after it leaves Dairydell. Dairydell accepts NO dogs into GROUP classes that have shown aggression toward humans - even towards vets. If I have withheld information from Dairydell regarding any aggressive behavior or tendencies in my dog, and my dog causes injury or loss to another dog or person, I will defend and indemnify Dairydell, Inc. from any resulting claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees. I understand and expressly agree that this release, waiver and agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of California and that I have carefully read this release and know the content of the release, and sign this release as an act of my own free will, and that the terms of this release are contractual in nature and are not just a recital.
If I am the handler of the dog in classes, I also acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in dog training activities with Dairydell, Inc. I am aware that there are inherent risks and hazards involved in activities with and around dogs, and I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of these potential dangers. I am not relying on Dairydell or its staff, volunteers, management or owners, to prevent such occurrences. In order to participate in Dairydell classes, demonstrations or other activities, I am fully informed of such risks and hazards, and agree to assume all risks of such occurrences. I agree not to bring children under 12 to any group class. I hereby waive any and all claims or action that I, or my guardians, representatives, or assigns may have against Dairydell, and agree to release Dairydell from any and all liability for personal injury to myself, my dog, children in my charge, or harm to property caused directly or indirectly by acts that might occur while at Dairydell classes, events, and activities. I further agree to indemnify, defend and hold Dairydell harmless for damage, loss liability or expenses, including legal costs and attorniey’s fees which result from any damage caused by myself, children in my charge, or dog(s) that I own or handle.
General Release Signed-legal owner*
Legal Owner Date*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
General Release Signed-Handler
Handler Sig. Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
General Release Signed Guardian
Guardian Phone Number
Guardian Sig. Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I have read and understand the cancellation policy stated above
Cancellation Policy Signed-legal owner*
Dairydell Training Tips, Deals and Events Emails I would like to receive Dairydell Training Tips, Deals & Events Emails (Rarely Sent)
I understand that my email will never be sold and that I can unsubscribe at any time.
Please FAX vet records to (707) 773-3363
If you have problems with this form, Call (707) 762-6111 to register and pay.
Thanks for Training with Dairydell!
Be careful to fill out the expiration date and CVC number on the far right of the credit card number!
Credit Card
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