Group Dog Training Classes

Dream Dogs by Dairydell: Dog Training a Woman’s Way
photo of woman walking dog in forest

Dairydell dog training classes provide practical tips for women (and men) on stopping common household behaviors like jumping, barking, digging, counter-surfing and more. Owners learn quiet control to change their dog’s behavior (no yelling or bravado). They will take away valuable lessons for becoming more effective in other areas of their life as well.

Group Dog Training Classes 4

Take the Dairydell Video Tour

Dairydell offers dog training expertise to suit every dog owner’s needs, whether it be professional board and train services or small group classes…Serving the San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland and the East Bay, Northern CA, and Marin, Petaluma, Napa & Sonoma.

Looking for Still More Training Options?

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Group Class Registration

Check box next to desired class and scroll to fill in your personal information below.

  • Group Dog Training Classes 5
  • MANNERS 911 - Quick-Fix Household Control

    Semi-private group class - 3 week course - $150 PREPAID
    Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

    NOTE: This class takes place outside in our covered arena under all weather conditions. Class attendees should dress accordingly!

  • Do you dread having visitors because of your ill-behaved pooch? Worried about how he will act when Mom or the grandkids come to visit? No problem! Dairydell has a NEW, super-quick and easy class just for these behavior emergencies. We call it, “Manners 911”

    It’s a 3-week targeted course that focuses on the most common behavior issues owners face, showing you how to turn your dog from Naughty to Nice in no time: no jumping, no counter-surfing, no barking, no wandering off when you ask him to Stay and no ignoring you when you call him to Come.

    If you are looking for a cookies-only training program, this may not be the class for you. However, if you want to STOP unwanted behaviors the way a mother dog would quietly but clearly teach her young, you'll be amazed and thrilled! Read more about our Nature-Based training style HERE

    Training Equipment is custom-chosen for your dog and paid for separately at your first class.

    Thursdays at 6pm - LIMIT 4 DOGS PER CLASS

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  • Group Dog Training Classes 6
  • BASICS & BEYOND - A Dog Whisperer Style Class

    INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL DOG TRAINING - Semi-private group class - 7 week course - $275 PREPAID
    Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

    NOTE: This class takes place outside in our covered arena under all weather conditions. Class attendees should dress accordingly!

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    Not your typical obedience class!This 7-week “dog whisperer-style” course introduces you to the Dairydell Method® of Natural Dog Training. You will learn how to use canine psychology, body language and leadership skills to teach basic commands, while regaining control of your dog – all without yelling or bribery! See why people are raving about Dairydell. A copy of the book, LIPSTICK AND THE LEASH: Dog Training a Woman's Way is also included!

    Imagine… a dog that doesn’t pull you down the street, jump on your kids or guests, stays where he’s told and comes when he’s called. All this and more can be accomplished in our popular Basics and Beyond class – without raising your voice or excessive treats! So stop dreaming of that perfect dog, and start getting one!

    If you are looking for a cookies-only training program, this may not be the class for you. However, if you want to STOP unwanted behaviors the way a mother dog would quietly but clearly teach her young, you'll be amazed and thrilled! Read more about our Nature-Based training style HERE

    • As a courtesy to the other students, please, NO CELLPHONES.
    • NO CHILDREN UNDER 12 are permitted at this group class for safety reasons.
    • Classes are PREPAID.

    Wednesdays at 11am, 3pm and 6pm - LIMIT 6 DOGS PER CLASS

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  • Group Dog Training Classes 7
  • ADVANCED OBEDIENCE - PREREQUISITE: Basics & Beyond Class at Dairydell

    Semi-private group class - 6 week course - $250 PREPAID - LIMITED to 6 Dogs per class.
    Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

    NOTE: This class takes place outside in our covered arena under all weather conditions. Class attendees should dress accordingly!

  • Further "master" the skills that were introduced in Basics and Beyond.Really get your dog walking on that loose leash with heightened distractions. get longer Stays, quicker Sits and Downs and more reliable Recalls under varied conditions. This class is the stepping stone to our most advanced group class -- Ph. Dog!

    Training Equipment is custom-chosen for your dog and paid for separately at your first class.

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  • ATTN Obedience Graduates!

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    Group Dog Training Classes 8
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    "PHDog" ADVANCED (Off-Leash) OBEDIENCE - 6 weeks - ONLY Once a Year


    PREREQUISITE: Intermediate Obedience

    Semi-private group class - 6 wks - $250. PREPAID LIMITED to 6 Dogs per class.
    Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

    NOTE: Some class sessions take place outside in our covered arena under all weather conditions. Class attendees should dress accordingly!

  • Class includes the following training:

    • Higher distractions, including real livestock!
    • Long line as Freedom tool for hikes in the woods/back property.
    • Greater voice control with hands-free leash work.
    • Recall to field whistle -- in and out of sight.
    • Discussion and demonstration of remote collars, including their safe and proper use for more complete off-leash control.

    Training Equipment is custom-chosen for your dog and paid for separately at your first class.

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  • Group Dog Training Classes 9
  • CGC Prep & Pass

    6 Week Class - $250 PREPAID - Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

  • Do YOU have a dog with an exceptional temperament? Do they naturally like other dogs and new people? Why not try to earn their AKC Canine Good Citizen Award?

    Dogs of appropriate temperament are accepted into the class with the goal of passing the 10 required on-leash elements at the end. Things like politely accepting a friendly stranger or a new dog, waking on a loose leash with just a buckle collar, and of course, some basic commands.

    The class is limited to 5 dogs, so that our AKC-approved Instructor can customize each dog’s training. No prerequisite to enroll, other than a solid temperament. Dogs that complete the course and pass the CGC test are awarded the Canine Good Citizen ribbon and are able to receive a formalized certificate from the AKC!

    Wouldn’t YOU like to put the letters, “CGC” after your dog’s name?

    Try it - you'll be hooked!

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  • Group Dog Training Classes 10
  • S.T.A.R. Puppy Socialization

    6 Week Class - $250 PREPAID - Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

  • NEW! For owners with puppies under 1 year… Socialization, Beginning Training and a Title!

    The class is limited to 5 puppies, so that our AKC-approved Instructor can customize each dog’s training. In this 6-week socialization and beginning training class, puppies learn to accept a leash, be around other people and dogs and begin learning sit, down, come etc. If they can pass a very basic test at the end, they earn a S.T.A.R. Puppy medallion and are set up for AKC titles and on their way to passing their future Canine Good Citizen test.

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  • Group Dog Training Classes 11
  • RALLY-GILITY - Obedience Wrapped in Fun!

    6 Week Class - $250 PREPAID - Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

  • This only-at-Dairydell class combines the fun of agility, the control of obedience and the excitement of a rally course.If you have a new agility dog, this class will help improve your control and ability to direct him through a course. If you have a dog already trained in basic obedience, Rally-gility will make obedience FUN, as we add skill through the weave poles, tunnels and more to his otherwise dry repertoire.

    The "rally" element of Rally-gility means that each week a "rally course" is set for the dogs, with numbered cones that call for a certain obedience or agility activity at each one (I.E. "Sit" at cone #1, "Heel Right" at cone #2, "Weave Poles" at cone #3, etc.) VERY fun, and a great way to keep your dog's obedience or agility skills sharp! During Winter months, the course is held indoors, so weather is not a concern.

    Try it - you'll be hooked!

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  • Group Dog Training Classes 12
  • SNIFFER DOG - Beginning & Advanced Classes

    6 Week Class - $250. PREPAID
    Register Below by Selecting the Class You Want or Email or Call (707) 762-6111 for more Info

  • Imagine! Having your dog help find your keys or cellphone! Instructor Lesley Zoromski was fortunate enough to meet and train with Dr. Debby Kay - renowned pioneer in the field of scent detection work. Dr. Kay currently works with the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) as a contractor with the US government, training dogs the world over to detect explosives and other dangerous materials.

    Our class curriculum is patterned on the same foundation training techniques used in teaching bomb dogs– but instead of graduates searching for explosives, class dogs will learn to find more innocuous scents for fun. Imagine learning how to teach your dog to find your keys or cellphone!

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  • Build on the basic skills your dog has learned from the Beginner Sniffer Dog class.

    NOTE: Some class sessions take place outside in our play yard under all weather conditions. Class attendees should dress accordingly!

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  • Register for Selected Class

    Mandatory fields marked with asterisk
  • Name & Address

  • Phone & Email Contact

  • Pet Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • We require class dogs be current in their Rabies, DHPP and Bordatella vaccinations. Canine Influenza vaccination is optional. But no coughing dogs are allowed in class.


  • All our group training classes are designed for adult instruction (including the Owner Classes on Saturdays for board and train clients.) Due to safety restrictions, children under 12 are not permitted at any of our group classes. For those clients with small children wanting additional family training sessions, we are delighted to schedule these separately with one of our experienced trainers.

  • DAIRYDELL Photo / Text Messaging Release

  • I authorize Dairydell, Inc. to photograph and/or video my dog or me and to use these images in future books, videos, promotional or educational materials, and hereby waive my claim to any compensation for such use.

    I also authorize Dairydell to communicate questions or information regarding my dog via text to me whenever necessary.

  • DAIRYDELL General Release of Liability

  • I, the legal owner of this dog, or its handler, understand that in consideration for participating in the training and activities authorized by this contract, that I am releasing, waiving, discharging and covenanting not to sue Dairydell, Inc., (hereafter referred to as Dairydell), its officers, owners, promoters, trainers, employees, sponsors, clients and each of them, for losses or damages and any claim of damage of any kind on account of sickness, death, loss or and/or injury to my dog or any other dog or person, as a result of negligence or otherwise, while the dog is on Dairydell's premise, or after it leaves Dairydell. Dairydell accepts NO dogs into GROUP classes that have shown aggression toward humans - even towards vets. If I have withheld information from Dairydell regarding any aggressive behavior or tendencies in my dog, and my dog causes injury or loss to another dog or person, I will defend and indemnify Dairydell, Inc. from any resulting claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees. I understand and expressly agree that this release, waiver and agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of California and that I have carefully read this release and know the content of the release, and sign this release as an act of my own free will, and that the terms of this release are contractual in nature and are not just a recital.

    If I am the handler of the dog in classes, I also acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in dog training activities with Dairydell, Inc. I am aware that there are inherent risks and hazards involved in activities with and around dogs, and I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of these potential dangers. I am not relying on Dairydell or its staff, volunteers, management or owners, to prevent such occurrences. In order to participate in Dairydell classes, demonstrations or other activities, I am fully informed of such risks and hazards, and agree to assume all risks of such occurrences. I agree not to bring children under 12 to any group class. I hereby waive any and all claims or action that I, or my guardians, representatives, or assigns may have against Dairydell, and agree to release Dairydell from any and all liability for personal injury to myself, my dog, children in my charge, or harm to property caused directly or indirectly by acts that might occur while at Dairydell classes, events, and activities. I further agree to indemnify, defend and hold Dairydell harmless for damage, loss liability or expenses, including legal costs and attorniey’s fees which result from any damage caused by myself, children in my charge, or dog(s) that I own or handle.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • GROUP CLASSES: All group classes are prepaid. SORRY, NO REFUNDS.

    I have read and understand the cancellation policy stated above

  • Please FAX vet records to (707) 773-3363

    If you have problems with this form, Call (707) 762-6111 to register and pay.

    Thanks for Training with Dairydell!

  • Be careful to fill out the expiration date and CVC number on the far right of the credit card number!

  • $0.00
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Monthly Maintenance Classes

For Board & Train Grads & Their Dogs

To better serve our Dream Dog™ Board & Train graduates, our monthly maintenance classes have had a Total Makeover! Now each month will have its own theme, and each class within that month will be geared for either on-leash OR off-leash grads and include Holiday preparedness exercises when appropriate. We will even be including special HOLIDAY training exercises for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and 4th of July!

Online Video Account Login


After logging in with this form, you will find your video orders in the My Videos section