Crate Training – The First Step to a Better Dog
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.
The last few times I’ve had clients come in with concerns regarding food aggression behavior, I noticed a few things that they all had in common. First of all, each had 4 month old puppies and had these puppies since 8 weeks of age. All families mentioned their previous dog also exhibited food…
Choosing a dog is a big deal. How do you make the right choice? Is it pure luck, or is there a way increase your odds of success? I think so! My system is this: First, choose a breed with breed characteristics most compatible with you and your lifestyle.
With the right guidance, raising a new puppy can be a breeze, but without it – it can be disruptive, even heartbreaking.
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