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Dog Stress Signs: When a New Home is the Best Home — For the Dog
My job as a trainer and behavior consultant is to educate the dog owners and help make things right – for the dog.

The P-Word: Why “Punishment” Makes Me Cringe
From the get-go, dogs don’t know right from wrong or “should” from Shinola®… They invented the phrase, “If it feels good do it.”

5 Mistakes Rescue Dog Owners Make
Many rescue dogs enter their new families displaying shyness or even fear. This is NOT necessarily caused by “abuse”, as is routinely assumed.

7 Dog Products Professionals Swear By
As a kennel owner and professional dog trainer for over 24 years, I have dog products coming out my ears. The latest supplement, gizmo, training tool – you name it, I’ve tried it. From this plethoric pile of products, however, I find myself reaching for just a few on a regular basis. It’s like my closet, which is crammed with slacks, blouses, dresses, jackets and jewelry

INNER BEAUTY: Lessons From An Ugly Dog
Sophie, you are my HERO. Though the bloom is off your rose, your true beauty blossoms. Some would call you “old”, but I find you inspiringly unapologetic, confident and strong.

Leading Cause of Dog Bites – Owner Denial!
Dogs are dogs. They will always act as dogs, whether they are living in our home, or out in the wild. We must respect them for the animals that they are and the inherent danger they pose.

You Got a New Puppy ….Now What?
With the right guidance, raising a new puppy can be a breeze, but without it – it can be disruptive, even heartbreaking.

Camilla Gray-Nelson on This Week In America
Camilla Gray-Nelson, author of Lipstick and the Leash, discusses the four myths of dog training (and more):
1. Dogs are born with a desire to please their masters. 2. A dog will protect his family because he loves them. 3. A dog will not hurt someone he loves. 4. Puppies eventually grow out of bad behavior or you just love them through it.

The Rescue Dog’s Psalm
Just the other day, a friend relayed a touching rescue dog story to me. She had been traveling in a popular tourist town and met a shop owner with a new rescue dog. The dog, it turned out, had belonged to a homeless man living on the streets in her well-known city.

Camilla Gray-Nelson Receives 12th Annual Women in Business Award for Entrepreneurship
To receive this award is an incredible honor. At the core of my business ventures is a desire to empower women and this award will serve to motivate me to continue this work

Puppy Love – Camilla Teaches Dogs and Owners to Communicate
I was planning a traditional career, but sometimes life takes us to some unexpected places.” When she branched out from hobby to charging others for her services, she started with house calls on the weekends. Gray-Nelson laughs, “Have truck, will train — you know?

Camilla Gray-Nelson on KMOV-TV, St. Louis
Camilla Gray-Nelson, author of Lipstick and the Leash, discusses how women are saddled with the responsibility of dog training in over 70% of homes. She discusses dog training for women and teaches follow-through by way of a training can and more.