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Petaluma dog trainer: Personality is key
In my life on the farm and later in my long dog-training career, I have worked with literally thousands of dogs. It is clear that each one is born with an inherent personality and temperament: bold or shy, friendly or suspicious, those that avoid aggression at almost all costs and others that place it at the top of their toolbox to get their way.

Instant Obedience: Just Add Limits!
A dog that doesn’t listen, talks back or takes over the home is a dog that believes they are in charge and does not really respect you.

Understanding Socialization
If the dog being “socialized” shows signs of stress or unhappiness during his exercises, owners think (or have been told) they should repeat the uncomfortable experiences until the dog improves. Nothing could be worse advice! First, let’s define what “socialization” really means…

Podcast: Why Your Dog May Not Listen To You
Part II: Camilla continues to discuss the special problems of women establishing leadership with their dogs and why they may have trouble getting their dogs to listen. Camilla’s 30 year foundation in training brings many solutions to the table for women who love their dogs. Hear Podcast

Podcast: How Women Can Better Control Their Dogs
Camilla discusses the special problems of women training their dogs. Camilla’s 30 year foundation in training has revealed the secret of power for women. Women do not need to be like men… but they must be willing to set and enforce boundaries. Hear Podcast

Should Young Children Go to Dog Parks?
A friend called with a surprising story to share. She was at a local dog park with her small terrier, and not far away, there was a family with a lab mix. The family consisted of mom, dad and young daughter who was about 3 years old.

To Be Loved or To Lead: What’s Your Goal?
Many women come to me for help with their dogs. When we broach the inevitable subject of discipline, most women start to shy away. They want better control, but they don’t want to discipline their dogs as a means of getting that control. As I probe to find out why, I find a recurrent answer.

Four Keys to Power, Influence and Success
Take a moment and list your life heroes. Whom do you most admire or have been your mentors? What figures have most influenced your life? What bosses or professors or teachers taught you the most? The qualities in each of these people will probably be similar, and they are the qualities of true leaders:

Hyperactive Dog? Drive the Bus!
t’s all about rank. Rank is good. Rank is necessary. Clear rank and order puts a dog at peace. I am fond of saying that dogs only want to know two things…

Psychic Dog Training: My Secret “Don’t-even-think-about-it” Technique
Well, maybe I’m not exactly psychic, but dogs think I am! By paying attention to their body language I can tell what they’re about to do before they do it.

Crate Training – The First Step to a Better Dog
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.

Poopsie and Her Prey Drive
It may be hard to believe, but even that adorable, fluffy little lap dog is – at her core – a killing machine.